Tonic Website Template Customization Client Launch: Aspire By Whitney

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November 21, 2022

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A seasoned designer with over 15 years of experience crafting stunning branding and websites. As a proud HoneyBook Pro, I marry beauty with strategy to elevate your online presence. Let's create something extraordinary together!
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I’m going to make a super bold statement. Are you ready for it? 

I had a potential client reach out about customizing a Tonic website template and I was SO excited! She is THE coolest human in the world! That is absolutely not an exaggeration either. I fell in LOVE with Whitney the moment that I read her initial inquiry. Whitney’s passion for her business is extremely evident in everything she shares. Her personality is bubbly and vibrant, and she is an amazingly genuine human being. 

Whitney has experience in just about every area of the wellness industry. Before starting her business, she was a personal trainer, pilates instructor, barre instructor, and group fitness instructor, she worked with an MD turned “functional medical doctor” for over 8 years, an esthetician, holistic nutritionist, and hippie girl who loves nature and does weird biohacking things. Like I said, she has done it all! 

When she decided to launch Aspire by Whitney she wanted to take everything that she has learned and experienced over the years and put it into one overall business plan and help women feel confident in their bodies so they can be more productive in their careers and relationships. Whitney helps women find success in losing stubborn weight, and tone, and improving their energy so they can continue creating success in ALL areas of their lives. She is the ultimate wellness rockstar! 

When Whitney reached out to me, she felt super discouraged, overwhelmed, and confused, had no idea where to start or how to start, and she felt like a hot mess.

“I was worried about not finding a good fit. I wanted someone who could take the vision that was in my head and bring it to life!” – Whitney Caison

Whitney had already purchased a template from the Tonic Site Shop and was ready for me to provide a brand transformation that made it feel like her own. I am so glad that Whitney felt at ease reaching out to me and starting the conversation because this project was one of my favorites that I have ever designed and I couldn’t be more grateful for our journey together. Here is what Whitney had to say about her experience…

“Ally’s energy. So easy to talk to and SOOOO helpful. I am NOT the expert when it comes to anything IT. I try really hard to grasp even the “easy” concepts and this just isn’t my thing. So to have someone I could connect with, who was patient with me, and who could explain it in ways that made sense to me, and a serious badass in her design…was amazing.” 

The Tonic Website Template Customization package that I put together for Whitney included:

  1. The Brand Foundation and Brand Identity Design
  2. Brand Stationery
  3. Tonic Website Template Customization – Margarita Template
  4. Professional Copywriting and Brand Messaging

Step 01. The Brand Foundation and Brand Identity Design

Whitney had a clear vision she was looking for with her brand. She wanted her brand to have a very natural vibe. It needed to feel clean, cool, and beachy. She wanted a nice balance between being too playful and too serious. Her new brand needed to position herself as a leader and someone that can hold supportive space and who is knowledgeable. She wanted her clients to feel at ease when they came in contact with her brand but were also empowered to make a change. 

Her potential clients would feel like they’ve already stepped into the shoes of their higher and best selves. I feel like we nailed it with the branding! Check it out below!

Step 02. Marketing Materials and Brand Collateral

To round out the brand foundation design I created a notecard and a business card to elevate Whitney’s brand and carry the design through her client experience. These notecards can be used as a personal thank you after their sessions with her and the business cards can be given out by clients who loved their experience with Whitney and want to refer their friends.

Step 03. Tonic Website Template: Margarita Customization 

Whitney had already purchased the tonic website template – Tonic Site Shop Margarita Template because she loved the setup and flow of the website. She was attracted to the bright colors and how it could feel equal parts fun and professional. Together we worked through creating a strategy that would inform her potential clients of all she can do for them and also lead them through the site to reach out and book her services. 

See the before and after below!

My task was to transform the tonic website templates Margarita design into the new brand that we designed to meet Whitney’s goals and create a feeling of ease and support. We brought in my team Ally B professional copywriter to create on-brand messaging that was fun and empowering. 

The design truly became one of a kind (even as a template) and speaks volumes to how a brand design brings the personality of the business owner to life.

Aspire by Whitney Tonic Website Template Customization and brand design by Ally B Designs.
Ally B Designs customization of the Tonic Website Template Margarita for Aspire by Whitney.

“Seeing my brand for the first time. I was relieved, excited, and so empowered. My next favorite part was seeing my site after it was completed for the first time with the copy and everything. It’s so perfect. It was better than I could’ve imagined. Somehow you took my vision and transformed it into something even more beautiful.” – Whitney

Aspire by Whitney a Tonic Website Template Customization by Ally B Designs
Tonic Website Template Customization for Aspire by White a Health Coach by Ally B Designs
Tonic Website Template Customization of the Margarita Template for a Health Coach by Ally B Designs

“I have found a designer for life….or as long as she will have me! I wouldn’t have anyone else do any updates or anything on my site. Having this is giving me the confidence to keep moving forward and grow my business. I don’t have to worry about someone “understanding my vision”, or “getting me” because I found my designer!!!” Whitney


If you are ready to start attracting more of the right clients and uplevel your business then you need more strategy in your website design. A pretty website is great, but it’s the strategy that actually gets you more of the right clients and grows your bottom line. But don’t worry, I know how to make your business pretty AND profitable 🤩. If this sounds like something you are ready for then click the button below and book a call where we can chat about your brand and website goals and build the perfect package just for you. If you want to reach out via our contact form first go ahead and fill out the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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