You want an elevated brand, but what does that actually mean? I’m gonna break it down for you right here and right now.
Have you ever came across a brand online that you find yourself obsessed with? I’m talking about that brand you happened across on Instagram and fell in love with, you headed to their feed and clicked the link in their bio. All of a sudden you are handing over your email address because you can’t wait to get the freebie they are offering and then ***boom*** it’s delivered to your inbox and you can’t keep your hands (or eyes) off of it. You are engulfed with the message and the design that you don’t even know how you are now checking out their website and finding out how you can work with them. You send the message and you wait on pins and needles but not for long! In your inbox has landed a pricing guide that you are just as captivated with as where you originally found them on Instagram – you know they are the only one you want to work with! Done deal!
Whew! That was intense, wasn’t it?! But that is what an elevated brand can do for you and your business. Imagine clients falling in love with you before they even hop on the call. Imagine having such a mesmerizing funnel that potential clients follow exactly what you have carefully laid out and can’t wait to give you their money!
No more convincing people to work with you.
No more struggling to find new leads.
You have worked too dang hard and too long building a business to feel like you are deep in the hustle every single day!
Now is the time to build an elevated brand and a system that works by providing an experience that really does convert.

Take my client Rose with Wild In Wonder Events for example. She had been working her side hustle for quite a few years. She was ready to take the plunge and take her wedding planning business full time. We discussed her big vision and goals she was setting for her business and made a plan to execute exactly what she needed to make these dreams come true. She wanted to be confident as h#ll in her brand and the experience she was going to provide. She didn’t want to just compete with the big dogs she wanted to surpass them!
Here are the exact steps we took to create a powerhouse client experience and create an elevated brand.
Step 1. Know Your Brand Vision
It’s time to get really honest with yourself and lay it all out there. If you want to have an elevated brand you have to know what that means deep down to you and where you want to take it. While working with my clients they work through journaling exercises that help them uncover exactly what the big picture goals are for their brand. Questions like how do you want your clients to feel when they come in contact with your brand? What do you want to be known for? What are your personal and brand values?

Step 2. Define Your Ideal Client
While sometimes this seems obvious to my clients at first, I like to work through this a lot deeper than surface level. When you want to make more money with an elevated brand you have to think about the clients and potential clients who will be actually going through the experience you provide. Rather than only thinking about who you love to work with you need to think about who has been your most profitable clients in the past. You need to find a way to marry the two together if they are different and evolve your experience to serve them. Are there clients that you aren’t attracting now that you would love to work with? What makes you stand head and shoulders above the competition that would make you the one for these dream clients?
Step 3. Map Out Your Experience
Now that you know exactly what the big vision is and who it is you want to work with it’s time to map out the experience you want them to go through. This can seem a lit a HUGE task but I like to try to keep it as simple as possible. Focusing on one simple funnel at a time and executing it well – then expand. So what does it mean to map out your experience? Simply put – start with where your dream clients most often find you, then work through every single touchpoint they will experience with you from the moment they discover you. For example Instagram > bio > link page > freebie > email & download > website > first response email > pricing guide > call booked > new client guide > [insert your service here] > special client gift > personalized thank you card in the mail. This is not how everyone’s experience will go but it is an example of all of the touchpoints you have the opportunity to make unforgettable.

Step 4. Create Unforgettable Branded Visuals
Here’s where it gets exciting for me! The branded visuals – Hooray! These visuals are what make you stand out from the competition and elevate your brand to a whole new level. You just took the time to map out the experience your client and potential clients will go through, now is the time to brand each touchpoint and make it truly special. Not a hurried response, not a shabby DIY design using the same Canva template as everyone else, elevated brands with powerhouse experiences know the difference between a good design that draws people in and not so good designs that people tend to skip over. When you have a brand that planned and executed flawlessly with your brand vision in mind with each touchpoint you will captivate your audience and instinctively they will want more. People pay more for what makes them feel good and safe. When you have a professionally designed branded experience you are showing just how much you care about them and you pay attention to every detail you are creating a safe and powerhouse experience that you can charge more for. Plus you will create raving fans along the way and who doesn’t love organic marketing right?!

Step 5. Stay Consistent!
I cannot stress this step enough! It’s worth repeating – STAY CONSISTENT! Having an elevated brand means being committed and I am sure that if you have worked this hard and grown your business this far you are committed. But it also means that you have to be focused and consistent with your visual branding and marketing strategy. You need consistency in your visual branding which comes from a solid brand foundation that sets you up for success. Being consistent with your visual branding builds brand recognition with your audience. what does this mean? It means that when a potential client comes across your website or a pin on Pinterest – they will immediately know it’s yours! But that’s not all – having visual consistency builds trust with your potential clients (and current clients)! If your brand visuals are consistent people will automatically believe you are professional and consistent across the board. They know what they can expect from you and that builds trust in your brand and service!

So there you have it! 5 simple steps to an elevated brand- who am I kidding – it’s not simple – but anyone building a brand that good things take time and commitment. It can feel simple, it can feel easy, and it all starts with you.
If you are ready to jump fully in and create your own “Unforgettable Brand” with a powerhouse client experience and have me as your guide, check out my “tailor-made” brand experience service.
This is where I take you on an exciting brand adventure starting with your brand foundation. Then we add as much or as little as you’re looking for and what your business needs. This could include brand collateral like welcome packets or stationery, and a website with messaging that attracts your very own dream clients. It is genuinely tailored to your budget and your needs.