hashtags are one way to market your business, but read the post for 6 tips for marketing your photography business

6 Unique Tips for Marketing Your Personal Brand to Book More Dream Clients

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November 4, 2020

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Sometimes when it comes to marketing our personal brands, we overlook what is right in front of us. So today I want to share my top six personal brand marketing tips with you! 

Marketing isn’t always placing a Facebook Ad, posting on Instagram or chatting on Stories, purchasing a massive billboard, or sponsoring a local dance recital or baseball team.

Marketing is also the all-encompassing feel or effect of your personal brand—every single ounce of it.

So when you’re trying to grow your creative business and market your personal brand to attract more dream clients, you have to think with a holistic viewpoint. Let’s talk about that.

Here are 6 Tips for Marketing Your Unique Personal Brand

Tip 1: Build an Unforgettable Brand that sets you apart from the competition

It’s lovely to glean inspiration from your industry idols, but you have to build a brand that stands out from the competition, not one that looks like everyone else, not one that is fake and feels forced, and definitely not one you copied because you think it will get you the results you want.

Build a brand that creates a genuine “feel good”, but a relatable connection with potential clients so they can’t get enough of you! This means being you all the time and showing up as yourself in your brand, on social media, and beyond.

Tip 2: Create an exciting and strategic website that potential clients can’t get enough of.

Your website should be your main sales tool and it can’t just be nice words, pretty pictures, and good content slapped into a template.

It has to be a complete client experience that leads visitors on a journey from the home page straight through to your contact page.

You should be sharing exactly what your dream clients need to fall in love with you and then lead them directly to booking your services! Considering the strategy behind each page as well as how to convert clients is so important.



Tip 3: Choose the Right Words Across the Board

In our messaging, on our website, and through all types of social media, we choose the tone we set as well as the way our brands are represented. Be sure to think about connection AND conversion. If you aren’t doing both, you won’t be making the sale. You gotta make the money right?

Tip 4: SEO – SEO – SEO

Oh my—it can seem so elusive! BUT the truth is that you can take small steps to start making big waves. SEO makes you more visible to those who are not connected to you at all. Google is a big deal and if your business is there and takes potential clients back to your website which is built to connect and convert,  you have it made!

Tip 5: Don’t forget about blogging!

So many creatives think blogging is dead or that you don’t see any return on it. But,  I say bullsh*t! Blogging is alive and well – IF you do it right!

In fact, it’s estimated that companies are set to spend $300 billion in the content marketing sector—that takes the form of blog posts, social media posts, newsletters, and more!

Content—especially blogging that is housed on a website that you own and control (because hint, as much as we love social media, we are at the mercy of the algorithms) can increase your reach, social shares, and good ole SEO.

Tip 6: Create an elevated client experience that is carefully planned out and thoughtful.

You need to provide an experience that makes your clients feel really well taken care of, so they share your name with everyone they know. You can elevate your client experience with brand collateral in all of the right places! Branding every touchpoint and thinking through where you want to pamper clients along their journey with you is where the MAGIC happens.

I am obsessed with using Honeybook to provide an outstanding branded experience for my clients and potential clients. From the first correspondence, they receive from me to my testimonial request after our project has wrapped everything is taken care of, expertly organized, and beautifully designed all while saving me time in the long run! I send proposals and contracts, schedule meetings, invoice clients, and have a running to-do list automated by workflows for my business. There is not better option in my opinion! So as my gift to you, check out Honeybook where you too can book clients more efficiently and stay organized. Get HoneyBook for 50% off for one year with my referral link clicking here.


So, now you know where to start and what to start with. Now—HOW do you do all of this?

Well, you can dive deep into all of these topics and learn from field experts who have gone before you in each area…


While it might have photography in the name – every single creative entrepreneur can benefit from the talks – so don’t let that hold you back! 

For just $29 you can IMMEDIATELY start a virtual “coaching” session with each guest speaker and tackle each of these personal brand marketing tips in your business.

Grab your very own seat by clicking the image below! And by seat, I mean on your couch, in your pjs, with a cup of coffee! 

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