How to Maximize Your Photography Website Template So It Stands Out from the Crowd
Everybody’s using website templates these days. And, why not? They’re typically on trend and beautiful. They’re fairly easy to tweak.
And, they cost WAAAAY less than having a custom website (whose layout and format you may or may not like) built or have the liberty of making changes as you need.
But, I see a lot of photographers who aren’t maximizing their website templates, so they stand out and actually reflect their business the way a custom designed website would.
So, what should they do? How do you maximize your photography website template, so you’re not leaving any possibilities or potential clients on the table?
1. Make Adjustments and Don’t Force It
Your website theme comes with preset blanks and spaces for you to fill in content and images.
Many times business owners create content or pick images to “fill in the blanks” for the sake of “filling in the blanks””. When you do that, you’re essentially just filling space without a purpose or goal in mind, which often makes your website cluttered and dilutes its clarity.
Take the liberty of adjusting the theme so it works for you. Use each section intentionally and make it your own. If you don’t have a great piece of content or purpose for a space that’s provided in your theme – delete it! Don’t force it, friend.
2. Don’t Forget the Calls to Action On Every page
The underlying purpose of any website theme or a website in general is to:
- make people aware of your business and that you exist
- give visitors the information they need to buy from you or hire you, and
- to make your business money – duh, we all need that yet not many of us want to talk about that being one of the key reasons we have a website in the first place.
When you get to the root of why you have a website, that’s why we have ‘em.
So, in order for you to truly maximize a template, you need to make sure that there are calls to action on every page. Sometimes just one is fine; sometimes multiple may be necessary.
Having a call to action on each page doesn’t necessarily mean you’re “selling” on each page, but it does mean you’re telling your visitor what to do next. Maybe you want them to move from your home page to your email list – tell them with an opt-in form and a call to action. Maybe you want them to move from your about page to your services page, give them a call to action to do so.
Your photography website template won’t necessarily have calls to action built into them, so make sure to include them in your copy and design.
3. Designing an Authentic Brand By Choosing The Right Fonts, Colors, Imagery, Etc.
Many people are attracted to a theme because of exactly how the theme looks when they buy it, so they make the mistake of “redoing” their brand and using that exact color scheme with the exact images that many theme designers include as part of the package.
Some often use the fonts or colors that they’ve used in the past, even though they might not be the right fit for their brand.
What’s that you say?! How do you know if your brand elements are authentic to you and fit your brand and personality?
Well, for starters, you think through each color, font, and style of image you use and why you’re using it.
Does it have sentimental meaning to you? Is the color known to inspire the type of emotion or feeling you want to inspire in your ideal clients.
Step number 1 of designing an authentic brand is to assess all of your brand elements and how they match your personality, business values, and business goals.
4. Share Your Values and Personality Through Your Brand Messaging and Copy
Take an audit of your website copy and brand messaging. Does it reflect your values and personality? If your business is spunky and edgy or really heartfelt and soft, does your copy reflect that?
If diversity or working with local companies or mom-owned businesses is really important to you, is that evident from the messaging on your website?
If you haven’t hashed out your brand values and discovered what your brand personality is, you’re going to love my FREE guide: “The Heart of Your Brand”
It helps you start to identify and uncover your authentic brand and what sets your business apart from the rest.
Download your complimentary copy of “2 Steps to an Authentic Brand” here.
Hearts and Hoorays!
P.S. If you are looking for a website template be sure to check out my favorite templates at The Designs Space. Melissa’s designs are absolutely brilliant!