Tonic Site Shop Website Templates: Are They Worth All the Buzz?

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January 19, 2023

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We’re talking all things Tonic Website Templates in this post because I think a web design template shop this good deserves a write-up and a whole lot more (like your attention if you’re looking for a beautifully-branded, shiny, new website). 

If you’ve been checking out Showit and scrolling through templates, you have definitely run across Tonic or at least heard of it. 

Tonic Site Shop creates templates that are drool-worthy. Showit fans, like me, know why Tonic has captivated us – gorgeous, easy-to-use templates, compelling website copy, and flexible payment plans. Um, yes, please. 

You might have visited the site shop and oohed and aahed over their designs, but everyone who hasn’t purchased a Tonic template has the same question:

Are Tonic Website Templates worth the sticker price? 

It’s a great question.

I do love investing in good business tools, but I don’t like throwing my money around. I’m a busy mom, wife, business owner, school volunteer, and juggler of all things, so anything that will save me time and make my life easier has my attention. Besides, who doesn’t like a good write-off? 

So, I’ll take it upon myself to answer the big question of if Tonic’s templates are worth the price tag of $1,250+. Let’s go!

My answer starts with a little story. 

For my very first website, I hired a local company to design it. I poured a lot of money into it and was still trying to customize it the way I wanted to with poor results. As a creative, I felt very stifled by the limitations. 

Moving on from that experience, I decided to take the plunge and hire another designer to design a new website where I could make more updates and have more freedom with the design. Sounds good, right? And all was good until the designer bailed right in the middle of the project, leaving me with an unfinished website. Not cool.

So, when I onboard new clients that have had this experience with another designer (and I’m so sorry!), I get it. I have been there! As a designer, I go above and beyond to make sure my clients never feel like I did in that experience. 

Continuing on from that awful experience, I was introduced to ProPhoto templates by a photographer friend. I took a course to learn more and have been designing sites ever since! 

Then, when I found ShowIt, it was love at first site (like my little play on words there?), and my confidence soared!

The design capabilities within Showit make me the best designer I can be, and I love being able to share my talents through their platform with my clients. 

I have designed at least four custom sites for my own business within ProPhoto and ShowIt. Even though I am an expert in the field, I know how time-consuming fully custom design can be. And the price tag that goes with all the time to build a site from scratch can be cringe-worthy.

With the latest iteration of my website, the one you are looking at right now, I decided to take the plunge myself and get a jump start on the design with a Tonic Website Templates, NOT because I can’t design. But, as a designer, I recognized the value of investing in what saves me time. The faster I can get a high-quality site out to the world, the quicker it goes to work for me!

Can a template actually not look cookie-cutter? 

I’m a brand and web designer, so brand consciousness is at the forefront of everything I do. And, I have no fear of launching my own website on a template base. I know I can transform it into something unique to my brand and personality.

I share the same outlook with every client I work with and how every design, though it may have the same “bones,” still comes out one-of-a-kind and never looks the same (that’s where a good designer comes in!).

Now, I’m going to answer your next question before you even ask. 

You want to know if people will know your site is built on a template. 

While you may recognize a template here and there, because you have literally poured hours on the internet searching for the right one, your potential clients aren’t doing that. Instead, they are looking for the perfect photographer, videographer, wedding planner, or another service provider. They will view your site (template or not) as a one-of-a-kind piece of art and will also see the elevated design of the template. It’s an instant stand-out factor. Get their attention, and you’re already a huge step ahead of your competition. 

Tonic Website Templates - Margarita Template Customization by Ally B Designs

Getting those questions out of the way, let’s talk about the 5 reasons Tonic Website Templates are worth the money.

#1 – If your business lives online, you need to invest online. 

Cut costs and corners where you can, but please don’t go skimpy on your website. 

If you’re a creative, people are meeting you online, and your website presence will either captivate them or send them on their way.

Of course, a Tonic template isn’t the only way to go, but think about the long game of your business. If you buy a low-budget template, two things could happen. 

One- you might never be in love with your site. People who don’t love their sites don’t sell as confidently or share their sites as readily. Two- when you want to elevate your brand, if your site can’t grow with you, you’ll have to put money into another site, so now you’ve spent twice while trying to save money to begin with. 

So, do yourself and the future of your brand a favor, and go for what will grow. 

Even though Tonic is on the higher end of the template price spectrum, a Tonic Website Templates are a small fraction of what a custom site costs to get the same “the search is over” WOW factor. 

I’ve got a little something for you to save even more. You can use the code “ALLYBDESIGNS” for 15% off any Tonic Site Shop design.

#2 – Stunning and professional websites attract dream clients and projects. 

It’s something you know, I’m sure, but sometimes we need to hear things again just to make it sinks in. 

If you want an eager, ready-to-buy, high-end client, you have to start on your end of the relationship with a website and brand that shows up for who you wish to attract.

Let’s say that louder for the people in the back. 

Website design is the best way to deliver an elevated client experience from the second people’s eyes land on your site, and Tonic’s designs were designed with brand strategy in mind to give your clients just that. 

Give them everything they want, and they’ll click the “buy” or “book.”

Leave them feeling they need more from you, and they’ll go elsewhere. 

Show up like the best (and only) option they have, and you’ll attract a high-paying customer for life. Think about the income from one superfan client over the next many years, and I’m sure you’ll see that your website will have paid for itself many times over. 

#3 – The level of support Tonic delivers is unmatched.  

This is so important! I can tell you firsthand that Tonic genuinely cares about their customers. They have many customer support options like trainings and guides, and it’s free with your template purchase. 

Then, if you put Showit’s support on top of Tonic’s and hire a web designer (like yours truly), you’ll have everything taken care of for you like magic. 

A stress-free, beautiful design sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? 

#4 – Even if every creative purchased a Tonic template, they would all look different.

You like to be different. I get it. We all want to express ourselves uniquely through our brands. We’re creative. We’re quirky. One thing creatives aren’t is the same.

There’s a reason tons of creatives use Tonic templates and are over-the-moon for them. 

But, if you need a little extra convincing of what we talked about before, that a Tonic template can be customized to you, look at The Tonic Showcase. It’s packed with examples of how their sites can be customized to fit any brand to showcase what you do like no one else. 

#5 – They’re so easy to implement. 

I love Tonic’s “no code, no tears,” saying because they live up to their promise. That you can get great design without coding is Showit’s main attraction as a website-building platform. 

If you like the thought of making updates to your offerings and graphics easily, you can do that on a platform like Showit and a Tonic template. 

It’s a game changer for business. Imagine the freedom from the frustration of waiting for someone to jump into your site to make alterations and not knowing where you are on your web developer’s list. When you can make your own changes this easily, you’ll have the power to move your business along with faster launches of new products, offerings, and specials. 

5 Reasons Tonic Website Templates are Worth the Investment - Blog Post by Ally B Designs

As you can see, I’m a Tonic Site Shop and Showit fangirl. 

I believe in transparency, so:

  • You will be investing over a grand (but you can break up payments) for a site that will stand out against any fully custom design. 
  • I’ll tell you that I only recommend Tonic’s templates or my own signature template to my clients. There are other templates on the internet, but I’ve designed these and KNOW they will give my clients all they want from a site. 
  • Remember, on the Tonic Site Shop, you can use the code “ALLYBDESIGNS” for 15% off any design. 
  • Keep in mind that great design needs to pair with standout messaging for maximum conversion, so reach out to my go-to word spinner, Geneva Maresma, Copywriter & Strategist, to hold your audience at “Hello” and convert the curious. 

I hope you feel confident in investing in a high-quality template design. You’re going to absolutely love the end result of your site, and if you love it, your prospective clients will, too!

One last thing…

If you want to work with me as your designer – let’s transform your template into a one-of-a-kind design. Book a call, and we’ll make it happen! 

You’ll free up your time, get your site done sooner, and have the design of your dreams to start booking the clients of your dreams. The sooner your site works for you, the quicker you’ll book clients and recover your investment. 

Pretty and profitable is a great combination!


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