The #1 Thing Missing from Your Photography Website

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August 14, 2017

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The #1 Thing You’re Missing from Your Photography Website and how to fix it to make more sales! (Plus 4 More Tips)

Have you ever hung out with someone in person only to leave and feel like you didn’t connect whatsoever? Like, you can’t remember what you talked about and you never dug deep into what was going on in your lives?

Maybe your mind was preoccupied will all of your to-dos and emails and text messages left unanswered. Maybe you both had your phones out the entire time. Or maybe your kids interrupted the conversation every five minutes.

The same way you feel when you haven’t really connected with a friend is the same way your customers feel when they hop over to your website and don’t connect.

Connection is the number one thing most photography websites are missing
And it needs to be the most important factor on your website and brand!

If people can’t grasp who you are and what you stand for they won’t buy from you or hire you. If they connect with you as a photographer and feel like you could be great friends, they’ll have way less hesitations working with you.

Here are 4 More Key Elements that Keep Your Photography Website Serving Up Crazy-About-You Clients

1. An Inviting About Page

Make sure that your about page is inviting and engaging. The last thing a potential client wants to read is long paragraphs that read like a boring bio.

Contrary to what the name suggests, your about page isn’t really about you. It’s about your customer. It needs to connect with where they’re at, demonstrate your unique strengths and personality, what you offer, and how what you offer is exactly what they need.

2. Emotion

As much as we can say we love logic and reason, our emotions and how we feel about a product, service, or person help guide our decision making.

Your brand and website needs to attract and repel. It needs to repel the wrong people who won’t resonate with you and will make your life a living nightmare and it needs to attract your ideal clients.

The idea of repelling people is powerful in its own right, because it leaves room for the people who will love you, love your services, and willingly pay your prices.

Who wouldn’t rather spend their time talking to someone who is the right fit rather than debating, explaining, and convincing someone why you are the right fit.

Inspire emotion in your branding. Make your ideal customers feel happy about what you offer, inspired by what you can help them achieve, and at peace with their decision to hire you.

3. Regular Once Overs and Updates

We forget that as our business grows and evolves, so does our ideal client. Your portfolio also grows and evolves, which is why it’s so important to do once-overs on every page of your website every few months.

Take a moment and ask a friend to navigate your website. I want you to pull up the homepage and just watch how they click through each page. What sequence to they go through? What sticks out to them ( good or bad). This will help you easily fix some website mistakes.

If your photography website is missing call to actions and a straight-forward road map, they might not know where to click next and just start clicking.

4. On Point Language

Your website is the place where you get to speak directly to your potential clients. Make sure that you’re using words your ideal clients use and speaking to them like you would in person.

With every decision you make for your branding or website design ask yourself: Is this speaking to my ideal client in a way that resonates?

If you want to take this a step further, check out my Heart of Your Brand workbook.

This workbook helps you identify how to communicate the heart of your business in your branding, so that you connect with your ideal clients on your website, social media, and everywhere you interact.

Get the details here: Design Your Authentic Brand

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